Sabado, Agosto 27, 2011


"You are still the one"

the more lovers you have
even though their thought for you is pure
pure as the white Dove
there is still the wound that can't be cure

because the one you love
Can never be yours
it hurts inside, so much just as much as torn
if only God can hear your heart from up above

That he can make things better
when there's no pain, someone to cater
The pain lingers because he is not beside you
But it is aggravated by the fact that she hurt him too

If only your mine
there will be no waste of time
I'll hug you from dawn to set
i know that from the very day we've met

in through your eyes
where my heart is lying  
i can feel that there are no lies
you love her as much as much I love you

And that miffed me the most
the one liter of tears i have given to you???
all the pain??? i should be mad.... but hey, i just love you that much that whatever the feelings of yours...i'll accept it just to see you happy with the one you love... after she made you a fool, i want to run to you to offer my comfort but the fact that I know I will only the words that you love her that rendered me to just stay out of the way... Before I let you go, out of my mind, out my heart, and out of my existence i just want to say I love you yesterday, now at present, and I know even tomorrow....

Linggo, Agosto 14, 2011

 Love for most of us is a feeling in ecstasy but for me it's the burning pain inside of me. I aint gonna tell you that you are my love forever and i will love you till the end. i won't state idiotic statements such that you are my life and my existence duh! i want to vomit because you know what? i did. I did! and I swear to God it will not happen again.
           The moments and memories that I had with you, I cursed them all! I looked stupid for loving you that much! you are not worthy of such! I hate my eyes because i could still see your face , those frothy lips,your ideal nose,and your glitzy eyes staring at me so preciously. I can't believe that I fall for that so easily. I loathe the way you talk to me and your inimitable voice still hunting me. Why is it, that it is like I'm the only one hurt? Why can't I see you wanting me. I could still hear my heart pumping as I remember you, and I don't like it but I can't stop it. 

This heart is a jail that only you could open it up. But how could it be? you are not even with me anymore and I know you will never be. But God! please tell me how to forget someone like you?  Coz i already had a very bad situation here. How can I tell to my heart to stop shouting your name because I'm previously burning myself to death.

I want to forget you
till that time i would be ok too
without you it's hell
but something ring the bell

whenever you are
i could not move the car
for you to be near me
and to love me 

the way you stare
i really can not bear
that you will never be mine
for you already cut the line

Hope you'll be happy now
coz i'll stop fantasizing any about you and me
but before everything 
i want to make my last cry the last drop of my tears will be accepting all facts that meant my freedom from this jail,from this world I myself made for us...I love you A*****. Goodbye:(( 

Huwebes, Agosto 11, 2011

Love sometimes unexplainable

Love defines as…..

1.       The what we called “crush
   -a.k.a. infatuation
   -the sensation is frequently the big reason why this is such occurring
   -his/her smell lingers on your nostrils, his/her smile is evidently irresistible for you, and the sound of his/her voice for you is harmonious  that whenever, wherever,  and however you just want to smell, see, and hear his/her scheme.
     -but this commonly does not last for a long time after you found someone better, with just a snap, feeling is goneJ
2.       puppy love?
-          It is where he/she can’t stare at you deeply; your hurt pumps just like it want to goes out your chest to be mutually connected to the heart of the one you love…
-          It is when someone felt that his/her feeling is the most important thing because this feeling worth everything
-          This feeling is associated also by what our senses tell us but others told others that,”it is one of the feeling consider to be unordinary”, I don’t know what it mean but it makes sense at all…
-          A very wealth-giving and very sacrificing scenario is usually observed
-          Most of the people experienced preceded by much greater form of love
3.       Great Love
-          It occur most likely to lovers who are banned to be together
-          The love is considered to be great if and only if:
Ø  You sacrificed a lot
Ø  You disobeyed rules such as not to see him/her anymore, not to talk, not to go out, yada yada yada….
Ø  You are willing to give up and swallow your untainted pride for someone you don’t know if worth it but you still wanna do it because your focus would be your heart and your heart only
-          Hence, several of persons that gave effortful devotion to this kind of love ends in not so good culmination. The finale is that they just got hurt.
-          The recovery time would be more than years for some.
4.        TRUE LOVE
-          This would be define as sincere, devine, consecration, and dedication to a person that you don’t see as something but someone that not just passing by but living within your life and you consider as reason for your existence. But to distinguish it from the other it can be controlled and this love could last as long as they are breathing and as long as the person they truly love never leave them in this selfish and crazy world.
-          This love is the ideation of all person
This kinds of love just give you the possibilities and the wonders of loving and caring, but it doesn’t mean that if you are not experiencing it just like others you won’t be happy. No,no,no. Everybody earns happiness.
It may be hard to find the one you will love and will love you back but just wait because loving is not the same with rushing. It is totally of different meaning. If you wait you have plenty time to fix yourself be ready for his homecoming because maybe the right person for us is just somewhere out there but just in the wrong human. We just have to let destiny, serendipity, and fate do their work. God knows what He is doing. If you have been wounded on your past relationship look on the bright side because everybody have their somebody that they really deserves.