Martes, Hulyo 26, 2011

" My shattered trust"

Friends are supposed to be constantly there to be with you even if others not, and even if others can't.
They are thought to be your prodigious barricade to any blizzard that may occur in your life.
But it is just like finding the glitzy teardrop in the gloomy wide ocean water...

Rapport is the paramount of whichever liaison that we had,have,and will be having. It is the fundamental weapon of an indestructible and undying link. Trust must be cherish, tighten, and augment by all means.

Paradoxically, even if one's trust is amplified but the person being given by this hue of trust is unworthy it can only be squandered. Such misfortune is endemic that even an innocent man can be affected .

To the deceiving words when they are in front of you, F***  that! who deserves it! Because you know afterwards they put the shit on top of your head without you knowing...
Who cares if you don't have a friend, it is better than to smile and be pathetically hippocratic. 

Sabado, Hulyo 23, 2011

" Why do I still love you"

There are times I look at my mirror trying to figure out if why in the world,,,why is it you? why can't it be so easy to love somebody who will love you back... when there is no pain nor hard times...


I cared and cherished all the times that  I had with you....and all I wanted was you to do the same...What is it that you found to her that you did not on me? I know that I love you more than her...When we were together all my heart desires was to hold your hand and to feel that you feel the same to me 'coz that is the what my heart is longing .

If  you knew that we will never be together for a longer time why did you made me believe that it can....You broke my heart but still this heart pumps because it still feel that your heart still beats... even though your with someone else all I wanted to know is that your happy and leaving me is all worth it for your happiness because I only care for you....
Only you....

Huwebes, Hulyo 21, 2011

"everything is changing"

Ones you were mine. I can hold your hand, hug you and kiss you as long as I desire. We held each others arm just like there is no tomorrow. Every time I open my eyes I see you staring at me, holding my cheeks and kiss me so gently. Oh how I miss so much those days, don't you?

For more than two months of being in love with you I know I could forget you. But there's is always a doubt that i feel deep down when I say those words because I knew that we can never last forever. We met so suddenly, you left me so early. I can never forget those happy memories that even though it tears me up and it hurts just like stabbing me a million times. I wont allow it to just pass by because I want the feeling that you made me felt. 

It was cold and dark night when we talk of about our feelings. I told you that I love you so much and I don't want to get hurt again because I knew when I commit myself to you it is correlated about having pain. You knew i was hurt but then you injured my sentiments as well. Actually, you even worsen it. And forgetting you? Can you honestly believe that I can? I hope, but you can never dictate a heart who loved and hurt by the same person who she wants to be the reason why she still beats for this body to function as it must be. Maybe that is also the reason why I can't forget you because you disturbed the homeostasis of my whole body regulation.

I know everything is change but it takes time. I wish that you are happy with your life without me but assure you no love can ever compare to the love I could give you. This is like facing the yawning abyss of eternity were the only choice is to give you up and all the memories with you to live. I chose to live and leave my past behind and soon my memory box would just discard you.:((

Lunes, Hulyo 18, 2011

"As I look at you directly in your glitzy eyes...I felt like I'm captivated. Does that enchanting body part of yours produces such delicate fervor?.. If only I could sojourn on your façade forever, i will chose eternally when there will no more instances of loosing you...

i will hold on to you incessantly because you are my adoration, my vivacity, and my exhilaration...From the deepest part of my Amygdala you will always be my forever:)))"


"perfectionism sucks"

 The artist who aims at perfection in everything achieves it in nothing.” by Eugene Delacroix quotes( the greatest french romantic painter)

It prove it to us that even we strive so much, that if we look towards perfection where in we never sees the good things we done...because all we think about is something that is beyond the capability of human being. We can never be happy if we are not satisfied on possessions and competencies we had with in us , which is innate to us..:))

 =If you want to be happy love your mistakes that made you strong..:))

 =If you hate something to other person try to look at yourself maybe what you hate reflects yourself..

 =alone and single is not the end of the world in only prove that you just need yourself and nobody else....

Flowers bloom when they are ready, you too, show your inner feelings when you are ready,,if youre not don't let others destry you easily because you are so fragile and immature..:))